The Hybrid Lanyard is appropriate for workers weighing between 100 and 386 lbs.
Honeywell announced the Hybrid Energy-Absorbing Lanyard — the fall protection lanyard to meet Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards for both Class E4 and Class E6. The new hybrid lanyard eliminates the guesswork involved in choosing the appropriate lanyard for workers of different weights — thereby reducing error and increasing safety for those working at height.
The CSA classifies lanyards into two types based on their ability to absorb the kinetic energy from a fall. Class E4 lanyards are designed for lighter workers (100 – 254 lbs.) and Class E6 lanyards are for heavier workers (200 – 386 lbs.). Historically, to meet these requirements, safety managers have either stocked both classes of lanyards, or relied on just one class for use by workers of all weights — a practice that is not CSA compliant and is potentially unsafe.
As the industry’s first lanyard to be CSA certified for Class E4 and E6 (appropriate for workers weighing between 100 and 386 lbs), the new Honeywell Hybrid Energy Absorbing Lanyard is the simple, safe, and fully-compliant solution. The Hybrid Lanyard increases worker safety by eliminating the need to stock and choose between two types of lanyards.
The new Hybrid Energy-Absorbing Lanyard is available now, in a variety of styles, from both Miller and North fall protection brands.
View the new Hybrid Energy-Absorbing Lanyard video here.
Also read: Honeywell announces release of new Miller AirCore Tower Climbing Harness
Filed Under: News, Safety