Zero-Max’s new brochure is 28 pages of keyless locking devices for shaft to hub connections in a power transmission system.
Zero-Max’s new 28-page brochure features a complete line of keyless locking devices for shaft to hub connections in a power transmission system. These devices are ideal for positioning and locking shaft components. They provide the best solution where keyways and tapers can weaken or cause excess wear to the shaft.
Zero-Max keyless connections design benefits include zero backlash and superior concentricity. They mount and dismantle in less than 10 seconds and have fewer screws than alternative products.
This new brochure also features Zero-Max keyless connections designed to solve specific application requirements such as high transmittable torque. For corrosion protection and use in systems requiring frequent wash-downs, there are stainless steel Zero-Max ET Classic and ETP Express keyless connection models. Also, Zero-Max Posi-Lok models meet critical design requirements while being a competitive cost alternative
Zero-Max keyless connections also address applications for synchronizing moving components. They enable precise mounting of shaft components where frequent readjustments are required in systems. They are ideal where balance and run-out are inherent problems and where fastening, adjusting and holding of shaft components are required.
Ideal for a wide variety of motion system applications, the new brochure features many photos of actual Zero-Max keyless connections in use. These include machine tools, printing presses, packaging and laminating systems, to name just a few.
The brochure is well organized and includes performance information for each model and size including transmittable torque, moment of inertia, hub bore and shaft tolerances. Photos and dimensional drawings for each model correlate with specifications for easy sizing and ordering.
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