Cv International recently announced the release of an enhanced Nitrogen WINDPACK, offering improved ergonomics and productivity for wind turbine maintenance technicians. The portable nitrogen servicing solution reduces, by over 66%, the weight and volume that technicians must maneuver into place when servicing a turbine’s nacelle accumulator using traditional methods. The WINDPACK and previously released WINDKIT address the safety and productivity concerns of maintenance technicians supporting wind turbine maintenance.
Cvi’s newest WINDPACK reflects users’ requests for a lightweight and durable nitrogen servicing unit that enhances ergonomics by maintaining the load on the hips. Recognizing that technicians are working in challenging vertical and space constrained conditions, “It was imperative that the unit be adjustable and comfortable for a wide range of body shapes, allowing technicians to work safely and effectively in the nacelle while enhancing their productivity,” said Richard Browne, Vice-President of Marketing, Cvi.
Cvi’s WINDKIT is used by major wind energy OEMs, including Siemens Energy and Vestas American Wind. “Traditionally technicians have had to manage large nitrogen storage tanks that are heavy and difficult for one person to safely handle in the confined space of the nacelle, or pull pressurized hoses up 200 plus feet from the ground. By using the WINDKIT, technicians are able to get a lightweight, highly portable unit that allows them to move and work with greater safety and productivity,” stated Kevin Considine, Specialist, Sustainability & Management Systems, Vestas – American Wind Technology, Inc.
The high pressure servicing kit leverages Cvi’s background in supplying innovative maintenance, nitrogen service and breathing air solutions to the aviation and wind energy sectors. The WINDKIT & WINDPACK will be exhibited in San Diego at the AWEA Wind Environmental Health and Safety Exhibition January 16, 2013.
Cv International
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