The ND 2100G Gage-Chek has a color LED lit display which shows results numerically or graphically as a bar graph or dial indicator.
The Acanto Absolute Length Gage with EnDat 2.2 has the benefits of an optical encoder and solves many of the problems of different length gages. Quality managers will not have to worry about gages drifting, linearity over the entire measuring range, or referencing upon startup. The device does not drift over time nor does it require mastering. “Sweet spots” are nonexistent because 2 µm accuracy is held throughout the entire measuring length. Controls let the unit know its position on power up without need for reference. The device comes in spring or pneumatically operated models and is offered in 12 mm and 30-mm measuring lengths.
In addition, the ND 2100G Gage-Chek handles gaging and inspection tasks with ease, from simple pass/fail detection up to complex logic statements to and from a PLC. They can be configured for basic or advanced operations where inputs can be assigned and combined as needed, along with mathematical, trigonometric or statistical formulas, making it possible to measure even complex dimensions such as thickness, flatness, volume, and more. Rapid acquisition of measured data can monitor dynamic events such as the eccentricity of a rotating shaft.
The unit can manage up to 100 parts, each with up to 16 visible measurement features and 16 hidden ones and can save thousands of data entry points for internal statistical process control or export. User customization is easy with programmable soft and hot keys. Min/Max functions monitor and store data, and warning and tolerance limits can be set to each display value.
A new plug-and-play routine allows easily interfacing the Acanto and ND 2100G GAGE-CHEK. The ND 2100G can interface with 1 to 8 Acanto Gages and will be an effective solution for many gaging applications. The ND 2100G Gage-Chek also accepts EnDat 2.2 encoders from Heigenhainincluding linear, rotary, and angle.
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