Editor’s note: Widespread use of fuel cells will be beneficial to the wind industry because most of such devices are intended for use with hydrogen, most likely electrolyzed from water.

FCgen-1040 air cooled, fuel cell stack, from Ballard Power Systems, uses a non-precious metal catalyst.
A recent alphaDIRECT Energytech Investor Insight says it views the ongoing cost reduction as one of the keys to the increase in fuel cell adoption at commercial scale. An important underpinning of the product cost curve is the catalyst used in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. This is a key focus for Ballard, as one would expect, and with recent ground-breaking catalyst developments, such as proprietary treatments to increase durability and new designs to integrate advanced platinum-based catalysts and research into non-precious metal catalysts, Ballard is well positioned to effectively address this area in our view. By successfully redesigning core alternative platinum components, Ballard has the world’s first non-precious metal catalyst product requiring less than 80% of the platinum used in conventional fuel cells. This fuel cell technology has the potential to significantly decrease the cost of PEM fuel cells when produced at large scale.
For the complete report: https://goo.gl/zsMtQS
Filed Under: Energy storage