UK Electronic Solutions (part of NSSL Global Group) has announced Oceanic Dynamics, a self-contained motion and impact monitoring system suited to offshore vessels. Created by UK Electronic Solutions, Oceanic Dynamics protects the longevity of offshore assets by monitoring and reporting vessel impact on structures, passenger comfort and safety and engine performance and reliability.

The Oceanic Dynamics system is said to protect the longevity of offshore assets by monitoring and reporting vessel impact on structures, passenger comfort and safety and engine performance and reliability.
Offshore structures have highly stringent requirements when it comes to the total impact force allowed from docking vessels. Vessels are generally obliged to remain within pre-specified ranges of impact force, and to operate only within certain environmental conditions, (or else run the risk of voiding their Service Level Agreements). It is highly advantageous for companies operating vessels to be able to closely monitor impacts that occur while docking and offloading to justify their performance. Oceanic Dynamics uses a highly accurate Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) based orientation sensor to monitor motion and impact of the vessel as it docks, enabling vessel operators to keep in line with such regulations.
While impact monitoring was the starting point and primary function of the system, Oceanic Dynamics is also able to monitor fuel efficiency, engine data, and route information, as well as the vessel’s dynamic stability within the water. These extra functions offer transfer vessel operators the potential to justify the cost efficiencies and eco credentials of their service. Oceanic Dynamics also employs a HD CCTV bullet camera to record footage from the deck of the vessel at all times. The video footage helps clarify events on board at any given time and provides further visibility of the moment the vessel docks.
Steve Bartram, Operations Manager of Dalby Offshore comments: “We are currently trialing Oceanic Dynamics and have installed the system on our newest crew transfer vessel, ‘Dalby Ouse’. So far, we are extremely impressed with the results and have already seen real value in our investment, particularly as it helps us comply with the impact force and contractual regulations required by the client. The fact that the product is available on a contractual basis is also cost-effective and convenient.”
Paul Rutherford, Managing Director, UK Electronic Solutions says: “Offshore structures are reasonably sensitive to impact, and there are limits to the amount of force vessels can exert on them while docking or working alongside them. Oceanic Dynamics is the first system of this type to address the complete requirement of operators and construction companies. Although Oceanic Dynamics was primarily developed to assist crew transfer vessels it can also be installed on tugs, pilot vessels and lifeboats where it similarly monitors performance and provides an audit trail for incidents, maintenance and performance.”
Oceanic Dynamics delivers a weekly comprehensive report of how the vessel, crew and environment are impacting on vessel performance. This report can be tailored in-line with the specific content, complexity and frequency required by the vessel operator. All information is stored locally within the unit until the vessel is within GSM or Wi-Fi range and can then be seamlessly downloaded to shore. Should there be a requirement for data to be transferred to shore more immediately the unit is also capable of seamlessly integrating with any onboard satcom system.
The Oceanic Dynamics box is also highly compact, and is contained inside a single briefcase. This is designed to create minimal physical impact and to ensure that the system can be moved easily between vessels.
To find out more about Oceanic Dynamics, UK Electronic Solutions will be demonstrating the system on the NSSLGlobal stand at SMM Hamburg from Tuesday 6th September – Friday 9th September 2016 in Hall B6 Stand 514, where personnel will be happy to answer any questions. Alternatively, you can visit:
Filed Under: Offshore wind