Nordex has announced the official launch of its 2.5 MW Gamma generation wind turbines on the Chinese and Asian market. Comprising the N90/2500kW and N100/2500kW, the Efficiency Class 2.5 MW turbines address the market requirements and incorporate the latest research and developments. In developing the Gamma generation, Nordex has remained true to proven principles, using tested series engineering and assigning top priority to the dependability of all system components, to ensure improved product quality for better power yield. Based on the over 1,700, 2.5-MW units already installed and experience from more than a decade of operation, the Gamma Generation is designed for all wind classes and climatic regions in compliance with international grid codes and national standards in China. The quality meets international standards and is in line with the 18 national regulations for wind turbine technology effective from 1 November in China.
The N90/2500 and N100/2500 turbines are based on a common technical platform. A consistent modular design lets Nordex add type-specific components and customer options. Furthermore, the modular design makes delivery, installation, and maintenance fast and simple. The nacelle, hub and board crane have all been re-designed, with optimized yaw, pitch, and cooling systems.
“A new software version for Nordex Control 2 is used in the 2.5 MW gamma platform. With the new software, power yield is improved at partial load operation (vHub = ~ 5 to 10 m/s). It also helps improve output in the low and mid-wind range, while start-up hysteresis is reduced,” says Dr. Ni, Engineering Director of Nordex China. With the company’s global installation experience, Nordex 2.5-MW wind turbines comply with all grid codes across the globe. It has a flexible fault ride-through capability. During a low or high voltage ride throughs, the turbine can continuously output reactive power. The adoption of new circuit topology also gives the turbine a zero voltage ride through capability with a fast reaction speed.
Filed Under: News, Turbines