A renewable energy consultant will conduct offshore wind research in the Baltic Sea for the next several years. The FINO 2 research and measuring platform in the “Kriegers Flak” area, 35 km north of the island of Rügen in Germany, delivers important data, which will ultimately assist in the realization of offshore wind farms planned for the area. The equipment platform is located ten meters above the surface of the sea. Measuring 15 by 15 m, it offers sufficient space to hold all the required operational equipment and measuring instruments.
GL Garrad Hassan’s Windtest team Kaiser Wilhelm Koog GmbH will be responsible for the overall operations and maintenance of the platform, as well as manage the research program and associated technical data. The data will include various metrological and hydrological measurements, long-term bird migration patterns, and maritime traffic around the platform.
Participants in the project include the research institute WIND-consult, the Institute for Applied Ecology (Institut für Angewandte Ökologie) and the Shipping Institute Warnemünde (Schifffahrtsinstitut Warnemünde).
GL Garrad Hassan
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