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Whitewater Hill Wind Partners has awarded UpWind Solutions Inc. a five year O&M agreement for post warranty O&M services at the Whitewater Hill Wind Farm in North Palm Springs, Calif. Whitewater Hill Wind Farm consists of 41, GE 1.5-MW turbines that began commercial operation in 2002.
“Our commitment to continuous improvement is driving down operating costs while improving energy yield. A lower cost-per-kWh comes by applying UpWind’s best practices which focus on safety, quality, and performance,” says UpWind President and founder Bo Thisted.
As part of the company’s overall approach, UpWind Solutions’ technicians complete rigorous and comprehensive training with the highest EHS and safety standards in the industry. They also train to find solutions that optimize wind-turbine availability and performance for wind-project owners, ensuring the highest return on their investment.
“We are excited to have this opportunity to work with Whitewater Hill Partners to optimize the performance of their wind project,” says UpWind CEO Marty Crotty. “The long term contract includes a comprehensive service offering and clearly aligns the interests of both parties.”
UpWind Solutions
Filed Under: Construction, News
I am a sales representative for B&B Brake Pads of Gaspe, Quebec, Canada. We will be participating in the upcoming AWEA O&M workshop on the 10th and 11th in San Diego. We are hoping that you might be available to meet with us sometime on the 12th or 13th to discuss our North American manufactured brake pads for North American windfarms. If this would be of interest to you, you may reach me at: 949-903-3403 or at the email above. Thank you, Tom Hersh