A new managed-online wind data service, vuWind, draws on over fifteen years of wind engineering, analysis, and consultancy advice to provide clients with ‘on demand’ wind data through a secure web portal accessed through www.vuwind.com.
An effective operational wind farm comes from understanding wind resource and quality across the site by collecting and analyzing as much data as possible from a range of points horizontally and vertically across the area of interest. Fully vendor-independent, secure and offering unlimited roll-back of data changes, vuWind collects, stores, qualifies and provides clients with on-line access to any type of time series meteorological data throughout their entire portfolios of wind sites – including lidar, cup anemometry and reanalysis data.
The service is a fully managed one – a combination of automated algorithms, and manual checks performed by our industry-leading 24/7 control room, WindCentre, ensuring that clients are notified as soon as possible of equipment failures, thereby increasing measurement up-time.
Asset tracking of equipment is maintained, even when moved from site to site, and all calibration and configuration data is also stored so it can be checked alongside any flagged errors in the data. When combined with Natural Power’s wind engineering team, the service provides full analysis of client data as required, preparing both preliminary and finance-grade resource assessments assisted by vuWind’s powerful tools.
Oisin Brady, Director of Natural Power’s Tools and Methods said: “vuWind has been developed around client requirements to unify the variety of applications currently in the industry for gathering wind data. This single tool allows collecting, quality checking, analyzing, and reporting of wind data, providing secure access to project teams across their portfolio of wind farm developments. The service assists our analysis team in providing timely and cost-effective downstream services.”
Alex Woodward, Product Development Manager at Natural Power said: “vuWind has been running internally at Natural Power for many months and is providing an effective service to our own wind engineers based globally. The database behind the system is highly secure, flexible, and scalable which is an essential part of our offering to wind developers, owners and other consultancies worldwide.”
Natural Power Tools
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