The Wisconsin Wind Works, a one-day symposium on October 13, will feature panel speakers from the first tier wind production, aftermarket operations, and maintenance sectors. Panel hosts and moderators include representatives from AWEA, Office of Energy Independence, Milwaukee 7, and Great Lakes Wind Network.
Symposium attendees will:
Learn about Wisconsin’s 1st tier market from Wausaukee Composites and Milwaukee Machine Works.
Develop connections with the newest entrant to the Wisconsin wind energy supply chain, Ingeteam (INDAR). Indar Electric Division VP Adolfo Rebollo will be the featured lunch speaker.
Gain insight into aftermarket wind opportunities from L&S Electric, Energy Maintenance Service – a subsidiary of Broadwind Energy, and ZF Gearbox – a repair and rebuild service company.
Attendees can expect additional insight into:
• Current industry issue and trends including 2010 to 2013 forecasts
• Market entry strategies for 2nd and 3rd tier manufacturers
• Differences between purchasing direct versus. integrators
• Expected aftermarket opportunities for regional manufacturers
In addition, the Symposium offers extended networking opportunities, great food and cocktails, and more all inside the Frontier Airlines Center, the most architecturally stunning convention facility in the Midwest. Register for the event here.
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