This Windpower event features engineering topics on drive trains, condition monitoring, maintenance & repair, bearings and market overviews. This event is designed for engineers, managers, power purchasers, maintenance personel and others related or interested in learning more about Windpower.
Windpower Explained – Drivetrain Explored a special two day session exploring and discussing maintenance & repair issues related to the drive train in wind turbines. Supported with a special one day session discussing the growing market of Small Wind. Tracks are ideally suited to educate both owners, utilities, project managers, engineers, manufactures and suppliers interested in improving their wind turbine performance as well as learn about the small wind market.
By attending the Opportunities in Renewable Energy conference, you will leave with a greater understanding of what you need to know before entering the market, common maintenance issues, and how your company could benefit from these manufacturing opportunities. Co-produced by Windpower Engineering magazine, this event is a must for anyone looking for networking opportunities and valuable insight through real-world applications.
Register for the event here >>
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