The load graph, from transmission.bpa.gov/Business/Operations/Wind/baltwg.aspx, is titled: BPA Balancing Authority Load & Total Wind, Hydro, and Thermal. It is based on 5-min readings from the BPA SCADA system for several points. Installed wind capacity equals 3,522 MW.
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has been working with regional wind developers since 2008 to find creative solutions to address periods when there is simply more power generation than the region can use.
Earlier in the year, BPA issued its interim policy to temporarily limit energy generation BPA will replace thermal and wind generation limited by this policy with free hydropower from federal dams on the Columbia River system. BPA will continue working with its regional partners to develop a long-term solution to seasonal high water and high wind events.
To safeguard salmon and steelhead, and assure reliable energy delivery during these unusually high seasonal river flows, BPA implemented its interim environmental redispatch policy for the first time in May, which it did as a last resort and had been working to avoid.
Given the availability of the ER Retro reports, BPA will no longer post the generation limitation summaries each morning. You may continue to access the ER Retro reports, for those days that environmental redispatch occurs, on this site and on the BPA Oversupply Web site at www.bpa.gov/go/oversupply.
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