People’s Electric Cooperative (PEC) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for up to 75 MW of firm, dispatchable generating capacity; up to 50 MW of renewable wind generation; and up to 15 MW of renewable solar generation, respectively. Potential bidders may download the RFP documents at
The objectives of the RFP are twofold. The 75 MW of firm generating capacity will be used to satisfy PEC’s capacity margin requirements, while the 50 MW of wind generation and the 15 MW of solar generation will used to satisfy PEC’s internal goal of incorporating renewable resources as a larger percentage of its overall capacity.
Through the RFP, PEC is seeking long-term power purchase agreements, asset purchase options, and tolls with a term of 10 to 30 years, although delivery to the PEC service territory in Oklahoma must start between 2016 and 2018. The RFP also specifies that firm capacity bids must be a minimum of 25 MW, wind resources must be a minimum of 10 MW, and solar resources must be a minimum of 2 MW in size. Finally, all solar resources must be sited on a PEC-controlled site in Oklahoma.
PEC has retained Burns & McDonnell to assist with the preparation of the RFP and to act as an independent third party during the evaluation of bids. All questions concerning the RFP shall be directed to Burns & McDonnell at
Bids must be received by Burns & McDonnell by November 25, 2013. PEC expects to begin negotiations in the first quarter of 2014.
People’s Electric Cooperative
Burns & McDonnell
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