The Smart Grid Storage Management System provides an interface between a stored power source and a utility grid. The equipment consists of a master control system and a 2-MW, 2.5-MVA power conversion system.
The Smart Grid SMS Storage Management System is said to provide an interface between a stored power source and the utility grid. It consists of a master control system and a 2-MW, 2.5-MVA power conversion system (PCS). The PCS has two inverters, each rated 1 MW and 1.25 MVA. When coupled with stored energy, the SMS can charge the storage device from a utility source, or discharge the storage device to the utility. When connected to a feeder, the SMS can supply VARs in response to an external command, or hold feeder voltage at a preset level. The SMS can also operate independently, supplying power to a load not connected to a utility. Individual SMS units can be operated in parallel up to 10.0 MW or 12.5 MVA, with unit outputs connected to a common bus at medium voltage. Two or four SMSs are housed in a single ISO container for outdoor installation. Each 2-MW block contains two dc-circuit breakers, two ac-circuit breakers, two PCSs and controls. The output of the PCS is a 480-V delta connection that can be connected to a delta or wye transformer. If it is necessary to supply single-phase loads when the utility source is not present, a delta connection must be used. A few applications include:
UPS for data centers. The SMS is the largest-capacity static-inverter pack available in the UPS industry. Its high capacity and medium voltage capability, gives data-center designers greater flexibility than previously possible. The SMS’s design is capable of powering complete data center loads, including air-conditioning chillers. Single bus systems up to 24,000 kW are possible with the SMS.
SMS for renewable energy. Solar and wind energy are intermittent power sources that the grid must accept whenever available. During absences of sun or wind— when these sources are not generating—replacement power must be provided. The SMS can store the power when it’s produced, and then use that energy for generation ramp-rate control, output-smoothing, or time-shifting.
Grid-scale energy storage. The SMS can deliver up to 2 MW of stored energy to a grid from any type of battery storage.
Islanding. When applied with S&C’s IntelliTeam SG Automatic Restoration System, the SMS can be used in remote areas, as an energy source during power outages. Upon loss of utility power, IntelliTEAM SG re-configures the distribution system and uses the stored energy to serve local customers—now isolated from the utility—for as long as 7 hours.
Peak shaving. During high-demand periods, the SMS can provide full output for up to seven hours. This reduces the system peak, deferring the need for capacity additions on the distribution or transmission system.
The company lists these product features:
• Megawatt-hours of energy storage for Smart Grid applications.
• High efficiency.
• Fully digital control system.
• Better use of renewable energy.
• With S&C’s IntelliTEAM SG Automatic Restoration System, provides dynamic islanding capability.
• Automatic or remote SCADA control.
• Turnkey installation and project management for smooth integration into utility system.
S&C Electric Co.
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