Repowering and recycling of turbines is one of the highlights of the International Wind Congress 2022 that takes place in Berlin, Germany, on November, 7-8. RE:WIND 2022 gathers developers, operators, EPC(I)s, Electricity TSO to network, build partnerships, find new leads, and to influence the future development.
The topic of repowering and recycling of turbines is to be discussed during RE:WIND 2022. Delegates are going to talk about repowering the wind farms, recycling of the aged components, making the components recyclable with the help of technologies, conducting operations beyond the design life, and prolonging the life of the components.
As for repowering, companies sometimes find solutions for old turbines to increase power flow, without spending money on replacement. These solutions imply replacing existing wind turbines with new turbines, which either have a larger nameplate capacity or more efficiency, resulting in a net increase of power generation. When wind turbine blades reach the end of their life cycle, most are sawed into transportable pieces and end up in landfills, where they never decompose and leave a negative impact on nature. This way, recycling is the future for the wind power industry. As Europe and the rest of the world is facing a future where the demand for renewable energy will skyrocket, the topic of repowering is going to be raised by Jens-Peter Zink, Executive Vice President at European Energy A/S. The company believes that many of the experiences that were learned in Denmark and Germany on how to maximize potential renewable energy output is beneficial to share with the rest of the world.
Talking about recycling, the wind industry accepts the global problem of blade waste and innovates new programs that would allow to partially recycle the components or reuse them for a different industry. What is more, there are already major players of the industry that have results in studies of whole blade recycling. Another direction that is used in blade recycling is the usage of green materials for the component’s design. This approach will lead to greener recycling in the future. That is why the topic of recycling is going to be presented during the Congress. Also, Alessandro Lagostena, Head of Energy Studies & EU Affairs at ERG S.p.a, is going to discuss the life cycle of turbines and the ways of repowering and recycling the wind farms. Alessandro is going to focus on ERG’s repowering plan of its Italian and foreign assets — one of the main pillars of ERG’s 2022-26 business plan — by presenting some details of the ongoing projects.
The list of confirmed participants already includes more than 20 wind farms, among those are Thor Offshore Wind Farm, Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm, Nordsee One, ScotWind, and Albatros.
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