This is not so much an article as it is a collection of research and projections presented as charts and graphs. Nonetheless, they are though provoking charts and graphs. The original aggregators, people at Stanford University, suggests these all-sector energy roadmaps are for 139 countries of the world. WWS refers to wind, water, and sunlight.
(summary paper)(xlsx-spreadsheets)(Change of CO2 Upon Implementing WWS)(Transition timeline to 100% WWS)
(% of 2050 WWS installed as of 2014)(Wind installed as of 2014)(PV installed as of 2014)(CSP installed as of 2014)(Hydro installed as of 2014)(Geothermal installed as of 2014)(Tidal installed as of 2014)
Graphics by The Solutions Project /
Graphics by National Geographic
Graphics by Stanford University
Dec. 7, 2015 Video Paris Petit Palais Summary of 139 country roadmaps
Roadmaps to convert the 50 United States to Wind, Water, and Sunlight (WWS) for all purposes and grid integration study showing 100% reliability of a 100% WWS U.S. system
A low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem with 100% penetration of intermittent wind, water, and solar for all purposes (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015) (link)
100% clean, renewable WWS all-sector energy roadmaps for all 50 United States (Energy and Environmental Sciences, 2015) (summary paper)(state-by-state infographics)(pptx-WWS-map)(xlsx-spreadsheets)(FAQs)
Testimony to House Committee on Energy and Commerce about the 50-state plans, 139-country plans, and grid integration study, November 19, 2015 (pdf)
This has lead to
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