AVATAR is a project initiated by the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), carried out under the FP7 program of the European Union. Its main goal is the development and validation of advanced aerodynamic models, to be used in integral design codes for the next generation of large scale wind turbines (up to 20MW).
The Sandia National Lab was represented at the IEA Wind Task 29 and Task 11 meetings by David Maniaci who presented on tip-loss modeling of highly-loaded rotors. IEA Wind Task 29, also known as MEXNEXT, is focused on the analysis of wind tunnel measurements, specifically from the Mexico rotor experiments. The IEA Wind Task 11, Base Technology Information Exchange, was focused on aerodynamics, and included several presentations on work related to the European Energy Research Alliance’s (EERA) AVATAR project on large rotors. Similarities between the research goals of EERA and of DOE’s A2e initiative were discussed, as well as the potential for IEA Wind Task 29 as a conduit for future collaboration.
Recent Wind Publications
Kelley, C.L., Ennis, B.L., “SWiFT Site Atmospheric Characterization,” Tech. Rep. SAND2016-0216, Sandia National Laboratories, 2016.
Christopher L. Kelley, David C. Maniaci, and Brian R. Resor. “Scaled Aerodynamic Wind Turbine Design for Wake Similarity,” 34th Wind Energy Symposium, AIAA SciTech, (AIAA 2016-1521).
Sven Schmitz and David C. Maniaci. “Analytical Method to Determine a Tip Loss Factor for Highly-Loaded Wind Turbine Rotors,” 34th Wind Energy Symposium, AIAA SciTech, (AIAA 2016-0752).
Thomas G. Herges, David Bossert, Randal Schmitt, Mark Johnson, David C. Maniaci, Crystal Glen, andBrian Naughton. “Field Demonstration of the Sandia Wake Imaging System Capabilities at the Scaled Wind Farm Technology Facility“, 34th Wind Energy Symposium, AIAA SciTech, (AIAA 2016-1524).
Jinsong Liu, Edwin Thomas, Lance Manuel, D. Todd Griffith, Kelley Ruehl, and Matthew F. Barone. “On the Development of a Semi-Submersible Offshore Floating Platform and Mooring System for a 13.2 MW Wind Turbine“, 34th Wind Energy Symposium, AIAA SciTech, (AIAA 2016-1994).
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