The recent cooperative agreement lets Second Wind service the nascent wind development market in Israel. The U.S. based company with work with Clean Electric Israel to service other regional countries.
Second Wind, a developer of wind measurement technology for the world’s wind power industry, has announced that it is partnering with one of the leaders in the Israeli wind industry to offer wind measurement equipment in Israel and the CIS countries. Clean Electric Israel, a Petah-Tiqwa-based company providing wind assessment and forecasting services, will offer Second Wind’s Nomad 2 Wind Data Loggers and meteorological sensors to its regional clients.
The agreement lets Second Wind service the nascent wind development market in Israel. A newly favorable regulatory environment has created demand for higher-height wind measurements, says Clean Electric CEO Evgeny Kosharovsky. “With Second Wind’s line of flexible, practical wind sensors and the Nomad 2 Wind Data logger, we can offer a complete wind measurement solution,” Kosharovsky adds.
“We’re excited to partner with Clean Electric Israel,” says Second Wind’s VP Sales, Lee Alnes. “Mr. Kosharovsky has been a leader in the Israeli wind industry, and has a strong sales background in the CIS countries. His experience and connections in both areas will help tremendously. Clean Electric’s team of qualified installers, technicians, and field service engineers — along with the company’s meteorological expertise — will offer a one-stop solution for wind developers who purchase Second Wind’s equipment.”
Founded in 2009, Clean Electric is a reseller for wind assessment and forecasting leader 3TIER. 3TIER recently completed the first wind map of Israel, giving developers access to data above 15m for the first time. Now, the demand for higher height data will be met by a combination of remote sensing technologies — such as Second Wind’s Triton Sonic Wind Profiler sodar and Pentalum’s SpiDAR LiDAR — and taller meteorological towers.
“Second Wind’s systems let wind developers easily measure higher height data with met towers,” says Kosharovsky. “The company’s Nomad 2 Wind Data Logger accepts data from all of the wind industry’s popular anemometers and wind vanes, with no modifications necessary. This is important as most wind resource assessments require more than one kind of anemometer. Second Wind has an excellent reputation during more than 30 years of serving the global wind energy industry, and Clean Electric is looking forward to a long and productive partnership.”
Second Wind
Clean Electric Israel
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