Skintop MS-SC addresses EMC considerations with its simplified grounding feature. In a few easy steps, the cable is grounded, strain relieved and sealed from moisture and dust in accordance with IP 68.
To select the best grounding method for shielded cable installations, you have to strike a balance, say engineers with Lapp Cables, between installed cost and grounding performance. Yet that’s easier said than done.
Some of the most common grounding methods, while seemingly inexpensive in terms of the component cost, require labor-intensive installation procedures that can drive up installed cost significantly. Other methods lack the full 360° contact between the grounding hardware and the cable braid, reducing the effectiveness of the grounding connection and protection against EMI.
Skintop MS-SC addresses EMC considerations with its simplified grounding feature. In a few easy steps, says Lapp, the cable is grounded, strain relieved and sealed from moisture and dust in accordance with IP 68. The cable gland’s contact springs establish a continuous electrical path from the shield of the cable to equipment ground, creating a secure shield connection.
A few advantages include optimal EMC protection, a suitable for braid shielded cable, and minimal assembly steps. In addition, the contact spring’s design can accept cable diameters with wide dimensional tolerances, and its available in standard and long length threads for heavy-wall applications
The Skintop MS-NPT/MS-M Brush provides centered, fixed strain relief with a liquid tight and dust proof (IP68), all in one step. Simply insert the cable, push the screen braid under the innovative EMC brush, tighten and the connection is made.
The Brush Plus version offer extra-large clamping ranges, faster, easier, reliable screen contact, maximum assembly and adjustment possibilities, and a 360º contact area for optimal low-resistance current return ground path. Lapp USA Inc.ww.Lappgroup.com
Filed Under: Cables & connectors, News, Safety