Last week SkySpecs was awarded a 333 exemption – the only type of clearance that authorizes companies to legally fly drones in the U.S. This FAA Exemption allows SkySpecs to fly an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with its proprietary collision-avoidance technology called Guardian to visually inspect and photograph wind turbines.
“This is new ground. We are so excited to have drones actually collecting real, useful data for up-close inspection of wind turbines. We’ll be working with Upwind to deploy our technology to wind farms across the country. It’s only a matter of time before drones will be collecting better inspection data faster and safer than ever before,” said Danny, CEO of SkySpecs.
SkySpecs provides UAV technology enabling easy completion of turbine tower, nacelle and blade inspections but also has other applications for turbines with structural damage or fires. The Guardian technology allows technicians with minimal flight training or experience to be able to conduct high quality inspections from only a few feet away from the blade without risk of collision.
SkySpecs has recently partnered with UpWind Soutions to work towards blade inspections with a higher quality, safer, and lower cost solution for wind farm owners to rapidly inspect their fleet.
“We are proud to be partnered with SkySpecs and developing a technology solution for wind energy that will ultimately provide safer, lower cost blade inspections for our customers, that will also deliver a superior report. We are always striving to set new standards in O&M Excellence, and this new technology enables us to advance blade inspections and services in pro-active programmatic manner,” said Peter Wells, CEO of UpWind Solutions.
Filed Under: News, Policy
Robert Echavaria says
Interesting that Siemens, GE, Availon and some others have patents on remote inspection with drones. Hopefully this was independently evaluated by UpWind and / or SkySpecs in their due-diligence process.