There has previously been no single software tool on the market that covers both wind turbine and substructure-design analysis in one package. Fedem Technology and DNV Software have joined forces with a new coupled analysis module available in Sesam Wind – for use when wave loading influences wind-turbine performance.
The offshore wind industry will benefit from this user-friendly software including dynamic simulations, advanced fatigue calculations, and code checks in one analysis package. The new module for coupled analysis is powered by Fedem Windpower, and works with Sesam. It is the most recent addition to DNV Software’s product portfolio in Sesam Wind. “It saves costs by optimizing a wind-turbine design and work processes,” says Svein Gjølmesli, Fedem Technology’s Software Manager, about the fully integrated analysis system.
The developer says Sesam Wind Coupled Analysis powered by Fedem Windpower has capabilities ranging from the purely mechanical aspects of a wind turbine to custom control systems, and detailed wind and wave load simulations. This makes the software a versatile combination for complete dynamic modeling and analysis of any wind-turbine project.
Sesam Wind includes state-of-the-art algorithms in the new model geared toward structural analysis, completing DNV Software for wind turbine design, strength, and fatigue analysis. Many different users – from substructure designers and turbine manufacturers to wind park operators and verification bodies – benefit from the new package.
“The demand for renewable energy is growing rapidly and offshore wind is a significant part of renewable energy sources. Offshore wind installations are facing the same structural integrity challenges as traditional offshore engineering with structural design, hydrodynamic loads, global stresses and fatigue. In addition there are challenges with loads generated from the turbine itself and turbine rotor blades. As offshore wind is moving into deeper waters, engineering of offshore wind installations will take full benefit of Sesam, whether installations are based on fixed structures, floating structures, shallow waters, or deeper waters. With its leading position within offshore engineering, the offshore wind segment is a natural part of the Sesam strategy going forward,” says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, Managing Director at DNV Software.
DNV Software
Filed Under: News, Software, Turbines