Klϋber Lubrication, a worldwide manufacturer of specialty lubricants, will showcase three gear oil products for the wind power industry at Booth 9648. Following extensive R&D and testing, Klüber Lubrication has developed a line of products to meet the severe requirements of gear oil for wind turbine drives:
Klübersynth GEM 4 N series (polyalphaolefin)
Klübersynth GH 6 series (polyglycol)
Klübersynth GEM 2 series (rapidly biodegradable ester)
The lubricants are said to provide excellent wear protection and resistance to micro-pitting, foaming, and residue formation. Compared to standard gear oil, these products show a high-load capacity, low-friction values, and good resistance to ageing. Consequently, oil change intervals may be increased while improving the efficiency and overall life of turbine components.
In addition, Klüber’s ADDED value program makes it easy for manufacturers and operators to simplify their lubrication requirements.
Filed Under: Lubricants