Capacitance ranges from 1.0 µF to 1,000 µF for the AVD, SVH, and SVL series. For the UVK series, ranges are from 10 µF to 470 µF.
Illinois Capacitor has introduced four new lines of surface mount electrolytic capacitors, with maximum temperature ratings of 105 to 125ºC. These products handle a wide range of applications in power, portable instruments and other compact electronic devices. Capacitance ranges from 1.0 to 1,000 µF for the AVD, SVH, and SVL Series and from 10 to 470 µF on the UVK Series. All series have products with a maximum of 50 WVdc.
The SVL Series is a good match for filtering, bypass, coupling and decoupling applications, offering small case sizes and (depending on case size) 3,000 to 5,000 hour load life at 105ºC.
The AVD Series offers low impedance and up to 5,000 hours at +105°C, in new smaller case sizes. These features are ideal for compact switching power supplies, dc-dc converters and other power circuitry.
The SVH is excellent for all-weather applications, with performance from -55 to +105°C. The UVK Series starts at -40°C and offers the highest temperature rating at 125ºC, and has a load life of up to 1,500 hours.
Illinois Capacitor
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