Suzlon Group announced a repeat wind order of 50.40 MW from a leading power utility in India. The project consists of 24 units of S97 120-m hybrid tower with a rated capacity of 2.1 MW. Located in Kutch, Gujarat, the project is schedule for completion in March 2017.
The S97 series of 2.1-MW WTG feature the time tested Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) technology, which is designed to maximize generation at lower wind sites. It not only delivers higher energy output, but also offers higher return on investment for our customers.
Suzlon will execute the entire project on a turnkey basis and will also provide O&M services for an initial period of 14 years through an integrated service package. The project has the potential to provide power to over 27,000 households and reduce 0.10 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum.
Filed Under: News, Projects, Turbines