The table generated the DOE takes a good shot at detailing some of the costs and benefits of the wind industry’s production tax credit, a figure of $0.022/kWh. Derek Johnson, a program director at Redstone College near Denver, posted it to Facebook but it deserves wider circulation. The first line needs some explanation. The $43 billion is not an annual charge but probably accumulated for the last several years. The DOE may have explained that in the original post.
Also, a final totals row (not generated) could show the sum of the right column. It would read a total benefit to U.S. citizens of $95 to $318 Billion, and that is, money paid to localities in which wind farms work, where it does more good than a government handout. And he totals would be more impressive if you could put a price tag on the fresh water saved, and the health problems not caused by clean air. Besides, $43 billion is chump change for the U.S. military. Pass the PTC.
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