This webinar was presented live on Wednesday, October 28, 2020. Click below to watch it on demand. This webinar is about understanding exactly what our oil analysis lab results are trying to telling us. Should we take action or continue to monitor? Are we getting clues about oil condition or machine condition? This…
Three keys for choosing and analyzing gear oil in wind turbines
A wind turbine is only as reliable as the quality of its components, and this is particularly true of a turbine’s main gearbox. The job of the gearbox is to speed slow, high-torque rotation into a much faster rotation for the turbine’s generator. However, the harsh operating conditions turbines endure — including variations in wind…
ZF Wind Power selects AMSOIL as main supplier for gearbox lubrication testing
Following years of committed partnership, field testing, and data-backed results with worldwide customers, AMSOIL has been selected by ZF Wind Power for gearbox lubrication during end-of-line testing at all of its manufacturing locations, including Lommel, Belgium; Witten, Germany; Tianjin, China; Coimbatore, India; and its service facility in Vernon Hills, U.S. The agreement solidifies AMSOIL as…
5 criteria for choosing a quality gearbox lubricant
By Brian Burks, CLS, OMA 1 Senior Application Sales Engineer AMSOIL The wind industry is changing and growing quickly. There are now more than 89,077 MW of wind energy installed across 41 states. To keep up with clean-energy demands, wind turbines have had to become more powerful and reliable. This means wind turbines are expected…
What criteria should be considered when selecting lubricants for wind turbines?
Oil and other lubricants play important roles in keeping today’s wind turbines running reliably and efficiently. Because of the extreme conditions most turbines face and number of different parts that require lubrication, there is no specified set of criteria for choosing the right product, which makes careful section essential. “There is no ‘one size fits…
Removing the mystery from gearbox-oil analyses
Proper gearbox-oil analysis reveals a lot about the oil’s condition. The challenge comes when oil analyses reveal no problems but their gearboxes still fail. The right tests provide actionable information that leads to increased oil and gearbox life. Kevin Dinwiddie / Wind Turbine Tribologist / AMSOIL Inc. / Wind-farm operators often say, “I perform…