ERCOT has proactively attempted to keep up with the interest in wind through the ambitious Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ) transmission expansion and more recently through the Panhandle Renewable Energy Zone (PREZ) assessments.
CPP and other drivers will change utility asset values
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) final Clean Power Plan (CPP) rule will drive shifts in market prices and unit dispatch that will significantly impact generation asset values, especially in coal-intensive regions such as western PJM Interconnection LLC, Midcontinent Independent System Operator, and others.
Clean power plan: Bigger risks, more opportunities than you think
This executive summary and conclusions come from a white paper by Chris MacCracken, Steve Fine, and Matt Robison at consultancy ICF International. For the full white paper, pick here: Executive Summary The Clean Power Plan is not just another air quality regulation. Rather, its effect could be as broad and deep as if the…
Clean power plan transmission investments: It’s not how much, it’s how soon
Editor’s note: This article is the Executive Summary from a white paper by Kiran Kumaraswamy, Ken Collison, Rakesh Maurya, Jamie Cotrone, and Matt Robison, all at ICF International Inc. A link to the complete paper is here: Although regulators and industry stakeholders have begun to analyze how the CPP could affect the reliability of…
Polar vortex energy-pricing implications for commercial opportunities and system reliability
The executive summary and introduction to a whitepaper is from ICF International and written by Judah Rose, Shanthi Muthiah, Frank Brock, John Karp, and Trisagni Sakya For the second time in just over three years, a major weather event (the so-called polar vortex) has generated significant profits for generators, particularly in the eastern and southern…