In November 2016, MISO filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to permit a “forward-looking” capacity market auction, aimed to provide more generation stability in the MISO region.
IPL & AES leaders officially open first battery-based energy storage in MISO region
The Advancion Array is the first grid-scale, battery-based energy storage system to make a footprint in the 15-state Midcontinent Independent System Operation (MISO) region, which will provide affordable and reliable power for our customers.
FERC rejects MISO’s request for waiver to accommodate Entergy integration
This article comes from Troutman Sanders LLP, In September 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or the “Commission”) denied a tariff waiver request by the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) concerning planning and cost allocation of network upgrades and a transition period for integrating Entergy Corporation and its operating companies (together…
MISO begins offering dispatchable intermittent resources to wind generators
This article comes from law firm Troutman Sanders LLP ( In June, 2011 the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator Inc.’s (“Midwest ISO” or “MISO”) announced that dispatchable intermittent resources (DIRs) are available in the real-time energy market. This change means wind resources are now able to participate in the real-time market like other generators.…