This article comes from Science Daily, with materials provided by Lappeenranta University of Technology. Is there enough space for all the wind turbines and solar panels to provide all our energy needs? What happens when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow? Won’t renewables destabilize the grid and cause blackouts? In a review paper last…
Alaskan microgrids offer energy resilience and independence
Editor’s note: This article comes from Science Daily. It source articles from the ‘Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,’ with materials provided by American Institute of Physics. The electrical grid in the contiguous United States is a behemoth of interconnected systems. If one section fails or is sabotaged, millions of citizens could be without power. Remote villages in…
Owls’ wings could hold key to silent wind turbines
Editor’s note: This article was published in ScienceDaily, with materials provided by provided by IOP Publishing. A new study has revealed how inspiration from owls’ wings could allow aircraft and wind turbines to become even quieter. Researchers from Japan and China studied the serrations in the leading edge of owls’ wings, gaining new insight into how they…
Researchers successfully test drone inspections of wind turbines
Editor’s note: This article was published in ScienceDaily, with materials provided by Luleå University of Technology. University researchers performed a successful field experiment of turbine inspections using autonomous drones. Wind turbines are getting bigger and bigger. The larger the wind turbines are, the more kilowatts they can produce. But larger turbines also imply increased difficulties in inspecting…