Renewable energy consultancy, Natural Power, has released the results of its latest validation study — an evaluation of North American pre-construction wind energy yield predictions by comparison to operational production — demonstrating 99.1% accuracy for project analysis. Since 1996 Natural Power has regularly conducted finance-grade independent energy yield assessments and operational energy yield analyses. This analysis provides…
European repowering market hinges on accuracy of higher height wind data, says Vaisala
As a growing number of wind energy assets across Europe near the end of their operational lifetimes, plans to upgrade and repower existing sites using larger, more efficient turbines depend on the ability of developers to accurately assess the wind resource at higher hub heights. However, current methods of data extrapolation from short onsite met…
Energy Department’s innovative study helps offshore wind developers protect wildlife
Editor’s Note: With funding from the Energy Department and several partners, a new study provides two years worth of data on the behavior of seabirds, marine life, and marine mammals. The intent of the wildlife research is to ensure more sustainable offshore wind development in the Mid-Atlantic. Here is more information from the Office of…
Roadmap released for offshore wind potential in New York
A new study, conducted by the University of Delaware’s Special Initiative on Offshore Wind (SIOW) for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), offers a roadmap of key strategic steps New York State can take to reduce costs of offshore wind power over the next decade. The study finds that ongoing technology…
The real origins of wind turbine syndrome, with visuals
If I learned one thing from reading Australian professor Simon Chapman’s study on the origins of wind turbine sickness, it’s that turbines are terribly indecisive monsters. He points to a colleague’s study that describes 216 different diseases and symptoms linked to windpower turbines. Why can’t these things just pick a malady and stick to it?…
Ontario farm values hit record levels contrary to claims by wind opponents
The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) recently welcomed news that the most of Ontario’s agricultural regions have enjoyed a significant increase in prices for farm land over 2010 prices. The RE/MAX Market Trends Report – Farm Edition 2011 released Sept. 12 found rising agricultural commodity values and tight inventory levels have contributed to a significant…
I just need some space! -Love, your wind turbine
People are building large wind farms around the world as a cleaner way to generate electricity, but operators are still searching for the most cost-effective and efficient way to arrange the massive turbines that turn moving air into power. To help steer wind farm owners in the right direction, Charles Meneveau, a Johns Hopkins fluid mechanics and turbulence expert, working with a colleague in Belgium, has devised a new formula through which the optimal spacing for a large array of turbines can be obtained.
Study says New England would get 24% of power from wind
New England’s land and ocean winds blow strong enough to supply nearly a quarter of the region’s electricity within a decade, though major upgrades are needed to handle that much more wind power, according to a new study.
Store that energy and transfer it, says APS
U.S. policymakers must focus more closely on developing new energy storage technologies as they consider a national renewable electricity standard, according to one of the principal recommendations in a newly released report, Integrating Renewable Electricity on the Grid, by the American Physical Society’s Panel on Public Affairs (POPA)
3M and rope partner launch study on effects of turbine blade erosion on output
3M and Rope Partner have teamed up to conduct an in-field study on the effects of leading edge wind turbine blade damage. The yearlong study aims to measure the reduction in overall wind turbine output due to leading edge erosion. As turbine blades rotate, reaching speeds of 180 miles per hour at the tips, they…
A wake dynamics study to consider
Turbine developer Greenward Technologies has opened an invitation for others to participate in a joint program that will study potential benefits of the company’s Wake Convergence and Swirl Cancellation hypothesis using its patent-pending Quad Array design. Company CTO and president Ed Salter says he will consider applications from universities, and interested governmental and non-governmental organizations…