Independent certification body DNV GL has awarded Tocardo’s innovative bi-directional open rotor T2s tidal energy converter with a Statement of Feasibility. Tocardo is an inventive technology developer, based in the Netherlands, offering concepts such as the patented bi-blade bearing system, which allows efficient operation in ebb and flood tides. However, innovative concepts can present investors…
Tocardo successfully tests a scaled version of its UFS tidal turbine platform
Since 2008, the engineers at Tocardo have been determined to deliver the innovative tidal-power solutions at the lowest cost of energy. They have followed a thorough step-by-step product development process and have built, installed, and tested as many as 15 tidal turbines to date. With every turbine deployed, the grid is fed with predictable and reliable renewable energy.…
Tocardo signs up to test 20-year T2 tidal array
Tidal energy and technology provider, Tocardo, has signed up to demonstrate a 20-year, pre-commercial array at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney. The contract was signed at the International Conference for Ocean Energy (ICOE) held this week in Edinburgh. Tocardo plans to install eight T2 turbines across two Tocardo systems at EMEC’s grid-connected…
Storm-surge barrier also serves up tidal power
In early 1953, high tides and a major storm caused the North Sea to flood. The Netherlands, Belgium, and even parts of England and Scotland were affected. Recovery efforts eventually included the construction of an impressive nine-kilometerlong dam to prevent future flooding in the region. Oosterscheldekering, or the Eastern Scheldt storm-surge barrier stands as the…
Tocardo installs three tidal turbines in Dutch ‘Afsluitdijk’
Tocardo Tidal Turbines, producer of tidal and free-flow water turbines, has installed three of its T1 tidal turbines in the Dutch ‘Afsluitdijk’ (ow-shla-dak), a 32 km long primary sea defence. The three turbines are the first to be installed closely together in an array. Dutch Tidal Testing Centre, a long-standing partner of Tocardo, will manage…