One of the most important challenges in developing onshore wind energy involves measuring the wind in areas of complex terrain. Now, says the developer Visalia of its remote wind sensor the Triton Wind Profiler, there is a simple way for users to reduce the impact of complex wind flow on remote sensing data. The service,…
Vaisala’s Triton cuts wind measurement costs in Canada’s cold climate
Canadian renewable energy developer Sequoia Energy Inc. has successfully used Vaisala’s Triton Wind Profiler remote sensing unit to secure financing and cut wind measurement costs in central Canada, where sub-zero temperatures, snow, and ice regularly disrupt measurement campaigns.
Vaisala partners with DryKeep to enhance transformer moisture monitoring
The MMT162 is a capacitive thin-film polymer sensor, developed by Vaisala to provide moisture measurements in liquid hydrocarbons, including those used to insulate transformers.
Vaisala’s Triton to hit 20 million hours of collected wind data
The data have been gathered over 3,700 deployments, spanning 45 countries and six continents, where Triton has been used to provide accurate wind measurements at sites both under development and in operations.
A validation study of Vaisala’s wind energy assessment methods
This study is good evidence that Vaisala’s wind energy assessment process is calibrated to actual production
French wind project takes Triton wind-speed data to the Bank
Using Triton data as part of their wind resource site assessment, La Compagnie du Vent was able to produce a bankable due diligence report with reduced uncertainty and improved financing terms
Sonic wind profiler said to provide lowest total cost of ownership
Vaisala Triton Wind Profiler may be the wind industry’s most trusted remote sensing system and the best value for wind measurement. The Triton remote sensing system, provides: Lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) – While Triton always costs less to purchase than any other proven remote sensing system, did you know the day to day…