Power Line with WindSim provides a CFD based 3D flow model for the transmission line area transferring the measurements from the local weather stations along the transmission line onto the whole length of the transmission line, providing an end-to-end high fidelity monitoring.
Adjusting for weather conditions helps boost power transmission
Leveraging weather conditions could help utilities deliver electricity faster, cheaper and safer. Donna Rennemo, WindSim , windsim.com Research has shown that knowing the weather conditions and the impact on electrical power lines can increase transmission capacity limits by 10 to 40%. This includes key weather components such as air temperature and solar radiation, but also…
Met Office teams up with WindSim AS to provide wind resource assessments and wind-power forecasts
The Met Office and WindSim AS have announced a new partnership with the objective of generating more accurate Wind Resource Assessments and Wind Power forecasts to meet increasing industry demand for improved short term power forecasting and longer term power yield analysis. The Met Office is the UK’s National Weather Service, providing 24×7 information on weather, climate, environmental forecasts,…