This beautiful Aztec bike was on display at a recent event and is typical of the customizing by Rick Fairless.
A Common bond among the crew at Aztec Bolting Services is a love of motorcycles. Not only do several Aztec workers have motorcycles and enjoy riding, but for the past few years Aztec Bolting has commissioned Rick Fairless of Stroker’s Dallas to create one of a kind custom choppers as a marketing tool that travels to Aztec tradeshows and events.
In 2011, Aztec debuted a Custom Victory Vegas chopper at a trade show in Anaheim, California. Since the debut, the Victory has been shown at numerous events, and been in many publications.
The Victory won 2nd place American Custom in 2011 and 2012 at the Lone Star Bike Rally in Galveston, Texas, as well as was featured on the cover of The Clubhouse Magazine in 2012. “The Victory Motorcycle is a work of art, from the custom paint and accessories, to the engraved leather seat, it is evident that the details are a trademark of Rick Fairless style. People are always amazed to learn that the graphics on the motorcycle are hand painted and not a wrap” said Adrian Keith (Operations Manager at Aztec Bolting).
The Victory was introduced to spread the message of how Aztec is custom. Larry Garza expressed that “the idea of being custom, is our willingness to adjust and meet customer’s individual needs each day. “One example of our commitment to customized service, is our new Mobile Calibration Van – we come to the customer to provide calibration and repair services, as well as demos and tool training.”
Aztec offers customized solutions through industrial tool sales, rentals and field services seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Aztec says it is the premier provider of bolting tools, such as torque wrenches, hydraulic tensioners, and calibration equipment and represents the finest tools available on the market including: Enerpac, Norbar, Hydratight, Stahlwille, and Skidmore to name a few.
In years past, Aztec workers enjoyed riding in Toys for Tots parades and have been involved in other charity work through their own motorcycles. They are reaching out a little further this time. Aztec has continued to have bikes built by Rick Fairless, yet for the Victory, the goal has changed. Aztec Bolting Services president, Larry Garza III, decided it would be a great opportunity to help raise money that will support mission work through his local church. The Victory is now a tool to raise awareness and support for equipping families to stay connected to Biblical Principles. So Aztec will be selling tickets at $20 a piece for a chance to win the 2011 custom Victory Vegas motorcycle. All proceeds will benefit www.legacymilestones.com. Larry has organized several fundraising events to help show off the bike and sell tickets. The bike will be featured at Stroker’s Dallas Spring Fling on April 13-14th, as well as the Austin ROT Rally June 13 to 16th and at Stroker’s Dallas July 4th Bash and the winner will be announced later this year. The bike will be at the Aztec offices in League City, TX in the meantime, so feel free to stop by and take a peek, email us at victoryfund@bolting.com, or call 800.233.8675 and enter for a chance to win! All major credit cards are accepted. Bud Goza, a member of the church, said “Since this Victory project is a Charity Raffle, it is a win win for all participating, because funds go to a Victory for the Lord through a Ministry which is all about Family”. For $20 dollars you could be the next owner of the 2011 Aztec Victory Vegas Motorcycle!
Aztec Bolting
Filed Under: Construction, News, O&M