This research note comes from Make Consulting.

This model of an offshore substation, (Built by a Spanish firm for a German project) has potential for significant cost savings, according to a Research Note from Make Consulting.
The evolution of the offshore wind industry requires that substation suppliers develop new technology and contractual concepts suitable for future wind farms. This Research Note examines the market dynamics influencing substation technology choices for offshore wind projects in Europe. It analyses trends in offshore substation technology choices as well as the future market size of different technologies and the opportunity for cost reduction. Key points include:
- Significant cost saving potential in innovative HVAC substations
- Conventional HVAC substations will remain widespread due to project characteristics and developers’ risk-aversion. Innovative HVAC to play a role from around 2020
Significant weight reductions and standardization of commoditized HVAC substations to diminish LCOE gap vis-a-vis innovative HVAC substations by 2025
Filed Under: Construction, News, Transformers