Wind farms have the great aesthetic advantage over other renewable energy sources in that they are usually built in God’s country, awe inspiring landscapes that are easily elicit the comment: I wish I was there. The wonderful imagery is also the result of dual land use. A corn field can double as a wind farm, a difficult feat for other energy plants, renewable or fossil fueled.
To bring you a few moments of wonder, we have arranged from low to high (we think) the 10 most stunning wind farm images that have come across our desk in the last few years. We must acknowledge the Nordex photographers in particular who has done a sterling job with a digital camera and his or her good eye. The only drawback to these terrific photos is that I cannot recall exactly where they came from, and so the captions are about 50% guess.
Also, we have selected the largest images that WordPress allows so hit full-screen tab on your Window’s icon and pick on the image for its full impact. If you have others pictures you think equally stunning, send them in and we’ll add. Pick on the numbers to advance to the next slide.
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