To serve North American markets, Martifer Energy Systems and Hirschfeld Wind Energy Solutions say they will form a joint venture to manufacture wind towers and related components in the U.S. The joint venture, Martifer-Hirschfeld Energy Systems LLC, will be equally held by each party. The company will develop a factory in San Angelo, Texas, to build steel towers for wind turbines. The investment until now was developed solely by Portugal-based Martifer Energy Systems, and represents about $40 million which generated 225 jobs. The companies plan two stages, with the first representing an investment of about $30 million and completion expected for Q2 2010. The factory is expected to reach a capacity of 400 towers/yr by 2013.
This venture joins the expertise of Martifer Group for manufacturing wind-power components along with Hirschfeld’s local footprint and experience in infrastructure fabrication. Martifer Energy Systems produces towers, coverings, and gearboxes for wind turbines. Through a joint venture with REpower Systems AG of Germany, Martifer designs and manufactures wind turbines, and it assembles REpower wind turbines in Portugal. The company also builds wind farms for third parties.
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