The Universal Smart Energy Framework (USEF) launched at the Smart Grid Summit in Malaga on April 30, 2014. USEF is an industry initiative driven by: Alliander, ABB, DNV GL, IBM, ICT Automatisering, RWE-Essent and Stedin. The open framework is designed to accelerate the development of smart energy products, services and solutions for large scale implementation of smart grids. By defining the minimal set of consistent and coherent specifications for smart energy systems, USEF ensures that the products and services for the deployment of a smart grid become interoperable and can evolve over time to stimulate continuous innovation.
The USEF Foundation will proudly present the first copy of ‘An introduction to the Universal Smart Energy Framework’ to Manuel Sanchez, Team Leader Smart Grids of the EU Commission DG Energy at the Smart Grid Summit in Malaga on 30th April 2014. This introduction summarises the concepts of USEF and it is accompanied by an entertaining allegoric tale that illustrates the potential impact of the energy framework on our society.
There is a global drive to drastically reduce CO2 emissions due to global warming and a need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels by increasing access to renewable energy sources, but also producing and consuming energy more efficiently. USEF will allow companies to use a unified smart energy system infrastructure, lowering the costs for innovation and development of smart energy products, services and solutions.
The energy framework benefits both companies already involved in smart energy as well as lower barriers of entry to the energy market for new innovative players. Smart energy systems require new services, markets and roles that complement the existing energy landscape.
Frits Bliek, technical director of the USEF Foundation commented and Senior Consultant at DNV GL: “Since 2011, work on a smart energy system has been ongoing in Europe as business and users become increasingly aware of the need for better delivery of renewable energy sources. USEF will make the smart energy system a far more open market that encourages innovation and progress, which will accelerate the process of providing users with better products and services at the same time as increasing profitability for businesses.”
‘An introduction to USEF’ and play the online USEF Demonstrator at you leisure to find out how USEF deals with the emerging challenges for our energy system can be downloaded from
USEF Foundation
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