The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) and a group of leading wind energy companies recently met with Vancouver Mayor Gregor Roberston and senior city officials. The meeting focused on the importance of diversifying B.C.’s power sources with renewable generation like wind energy and the role municipalities play in advocating for a cleaner energy future.
”The city of Vancouver has emerged as an important leader in Canada on the issue of climate change and support for renewable energy,” stated Ian Baillie, CanWEA’s B.C. regional director. “Mayor Robertson has been a champion of green economic development in cities and vocal in supporting low-carbon technology.”
Earlier this year, Vancouver became the first city in Canada to set a target for shifting to 100% renewable energy sources by 2050 or sooner. Having a provincial electricity grid that maximizes its renewable potential is critical for Vancouver in achieving this goal. B.C.’s energy demand is projected to increase by the end of this decade, creating an opportunity for the province to allow investments in more renewable energy.
“Our province is blessed with ample renewable energy sources, and wind energy can play an important role as we shift to a low-carbon economy,” said Mayor Robertson. “Vancouver has set the goal of using 100% renewable energy as part of our Greenest City plan. At a time when we’re seeing countries like China and the U.S. commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and making the switch to clean energy, investing in clean energy in B.C. makes sense for our economy and our environment.”
Mayor Robertson has committed to attending a CanWEA hosted renewable energy dialogue planned for the spring of 2016 that will bring together leading renewable energy companies, associations, environmental advocates and political leaders to discuss the future of renewable development in British Columbia.
Wind energy development across Canada has soared to new levels, and costs have come down at rates faster than projected. In British Columbia, wind energy represents a $10 billion dollar economic opportunity. “The wind energy industry wants to invest in British Columbia, create jobs, and advance the economy,” adds Mr. Baillie. “Wind energy is a cost-effective complement to B.C.’s conventional hydropower that provides a hedge against volatile natural gas prices while also helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, fight climate change, and bring economic benefits to local communities.”
Today, the province has almost 500 MW of installed wind energy capacity, ranking fifth in Canada and supplying nearly 2% of the province’s domestic electricity demand.
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John Vincent says
This sounds like so much mumbo jumbo. BC hydro is 95% hydraulic generation. How does windmills reduce the carbon foot print of that generation? Its already got the best you can get. Now it may require gas fired generation to back up wind with all its vagries iin production, or coversly spilling water at hydraulics because your contract won’t allow wind to back off. You want it all, and to hell with anything else.
Name says
“Vancouver’s Eye of the Wind turbine” Ah yes, the wind turbine that never moves. A truly magnificent advertisement for Mayor moonbeam’s green aspirations.