After graduating from The Citadel in the early 60s, William Lowndes III aimed to satisfy his entrepreneurial drive by acquiring Tindall Concrete Pipe Co. It came with an acre of land, a two-bag-concrete mixer, and infinite possibilities for the future. Now the Spartanburg South Carolina-based Tindall Corp. is one of the largest privately held Precast Concrete Companies in North America. Its 81-year old Chairman, Lowndes has managed to transform his company into a manufacturer of specialized precast concrete for architectural and structural needs throughout North America.
Along with his Vice Chairman and son, Willy Lowndes IV, the company has accomplished notable firsts in product development, from the first precast-concrete manhole in South Carolina to modular prison cells. Innovations now extend to the wind industry with the patent-pending Atlas CTB precast concrete tower system.
Lowndes III still chairs weekly product development reviews with Willy, a graduate of Georgia Tech, and a diverse group of experts within the Tindall organization that is focused on the next generation of wind towers. Tindall holds a variety of product and manufacturing patents that support the company mission to deliver “Better Building Through Technology.”
The distinctive design of the Atlas CTB wind-tower base provides wind-farm developers with increased hub height, while reducing foundation costs by 50% or more and delivering double digit increases in power production. The Atlas design supports a wide range of OEM turbines from 1.6 to 3.0 MW with hub height flexibility based on site-specific wind characteristics.
Filed Under: Construction, Projects, Towers