Welcome to another edition of Wind Talk, a Windpower Engineering and Development podcast series that gives you the opportunity to hear from industry newsmakers in their own words.
In this podcast, David Keith, Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences discusses his latest research in mesoscale atmospheric modeling that was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters challenging the generating capacity of large-scale wind farms.
Filed Under: News, Podcasts
Michael Goggin, AWEA says
This study errs in its assessment of potential wind energy resources by ignoring real-world data and experience and instead relying on crude theoretical modeling techniques. In reality, wind project developers and investors work closely with atmospheric scientists and other experts to make sure that their projects will produce as much as expected, and real-world data from large-scale wind installations in the US and Europe confirms that they do. Regardless of who is correct, the inescapable fact is that America’s developable wind energy resources are many times greater than our country’s energy needs.
For more, see:
Michael Goggin,
American Wind Energy Association
Nic Sharpley says
Thanks for the great feedback Michael.