The WindFacts website contains facts and resources, such as the graphic, that address a number of areas of key interest to Canadians: how wind works, health, community, affordability and environment and wildlife.
Canadians have a new way to join the dialogue on wind energy with the launch of a website that combines cutting-edge social media tools with facts, figures, did-you-knows, and links to important resources. The initiative is supported by wind energy leaders whose goal is to ensure Canadians have access to facts when making choices about their energy future, and the site is administered by the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA).
The WindFacts website contains facts and resources that address a number of areas of key interest to Canadians: how wind works, health, community, affordability and environment and wildlife. By logging in through top social media programs such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, visitors can also submit questions about wind energy which will be answered by the WindFacts Team.
“Wind energy enjoys high public support from coast to coast, but it’s natural for Canadians to have questions about how various forms of energy may impact their consumer bill, the environment, and what sort of benefits it can deliver to local communities,” said Chris Forrest, CanWEA vice-president of communications and public affairs. “Every province is now producing clean wind energy, but most provinces are only in the early days of modernizing and upgrading their electricity system. Renewable energy sources work together to generate reliable power without polluting our air or contaminating our water, and can deliver significant economic benefits at a very local level. We look forward to continuing the clean energy dialogue with Canadians.”
Filed Under: News, Policy