Windplanner recently released V3, a new software update to its wind-farm siting and planning platform. The company offers 2D and 3D visualization and virtual reality tools, with “the ability to show ‘tomorrow’ today.”

Windplanner can help developers scout an ideal wind-farm location using geographic data layers, and assess a project’s design using the 2D sketching tool. Click here for 10 reasons to consider Windplanner when planning a wind farm.
Windplanner V3 offers a redesigned user interface with new features, sharper images, a visualization checklist, and performance improvements. The upgrade makes the visualization process of a wind farm easier, and includes a learn-mode and a professional-mode.
According to a recent company press release: “With V3, we introduced a lot of improvements: you will immediately notice the entirely new user interface. The edit mode guides you step-by-step through the visualization process. And the view mode ensures no one can make accidental changes in the composition of the wind park during presentations. So stakeholders can play around and view the project from any angle they like.”
V3 also provides users instant feedback, a PDF report of the project data, and guidance for correct calibration when uploading new panoramic pictures.
Request a free software trial here.
Filed Under: News, Projects, Software