Abaris Training provides advanced composite training, and offers classes and services to wind professionals from around the world, including engineers, technicians, and field support staff.
Located in Reno, Nevada, the company hosts weeklong instructional courses with hands-on training in composite and wind-turbine blade repairs. Day 4 of the blade-repair course takes students outside the classroom and into a lab to simulate repair scenarios they will see in the field — over 200 feet in the air.
These photos and sound bytes explain why wind-turbine technicians travel to Reno to learn advanced techniques from Abaris Training instructors.
Mike Hoke explains the 26 different types of courses offered at Abaris Training. Most courses are five days long, and deal with carbon fiber and composite repairs in the aerospace, automobile, or wind-energy industry. Classes are held in Reno, NV and Atlanta, GA at the request of companies on site. Class sizes are kept small with 6 to 10 students, and attract wind-turbine technicians from around the world.
Mike Meringolo has been with Abaris Training for eight years, instructing composite repairs for the wind-blade repair class and others. This weeklong class involves classroom work the first half and hands-on instruction during the second half of the week. Wind technicians and those interested in getting into the wind industry attend this class, which is held in Reno, NV.
Todd Warner (on the right), a Wind-turbine Tehncician from Troy, PA, came to Abaris Training’s Reno facility for a wind-blade repair course. His boss, who is Team Lead at the company’s wind site, was searching for a course that could offer hands-on training that teaches technicians to perform blade repairs at height when he found Abaris Training online. During the weeklong class, Todd learned how to best provide leading-edge erosion repairs so his company no longer has to outsource this work for their 60-plus wind-turbine site.
Filed Under: News, Safety, Training