At the WindEnergy 2014 from September 23rd to 26th in Hamburg, Germany, the automation specialist Bachmann electronic presents its competence for integrated systems to the wind industry.
Worldwide leading manufacturers and operators of on- and offshore wind power plants successfully use the system solutions of Bachmann automation. With more than 70,000 automated wind power plants and confirmed system availability over 99.96% in real operation, Bachmann is leading in wind power plant automation.
At this year’s WindEnergy 2014 Bachmann shows its automation portfolio for highly available and highly efficient wind power plants in hall B5, stand 424. As theme highlights for intelligent automation of modern wind turbines, innovative solutions like Wind Power SCADA, Condition Monitoring and Retrofit will be presented to the visitors at the Bachmann exhibition stand.
Faster on the grid with WPS
With Wind power SCADA (WPS) Bachmann bundles its industry know-how with a future-proof and flexible SCADA solution especially for the wind power sector. WPS provides scalable visualizations for all plant levels – from the global view of the wind farm down to the individual wind turbine. And this thanks to complete web-based technology, ergonomic and efficient from any PC, tablet or smartphone.
Certified integrated CMS
Bachmann offers more than 15 years Condition Monitoring experience in the wind industry. Worldwide more than 3,000 on- and offshore wind power plants are already monitored by Bachmann Monitoring. Next to “Ω-Guard”, the world’s first control integrated CMS certified by Germanischer Lloyd, alternative CMS solutions for retrofitting wind power plants, mature hardware technologies, an innovative web-based analysis software as well as certified remote service technologies combine to form an all-round future-proof monitoring package. All in all: long-time expertise and a proven solution for CMS from a single source.
New life for wind power plants with retrofit
Instead of the capital-intensive option of building a new wind power plant, operators are increasingly opting for a tailored retrofit solution from Bachmann. Any fault susceptible components are replaced, thus increasing plant reliability. At the same time, state-of-the-art technologies and innovative control systems combined with monitoring solutions can be retrofitted to thus open up further potential for increasing the yield of a power plant.
WindEnergy 2014: hall B5, stand 424
Also read: Bachmann Electronics Wind Turbine Controls Training Sessions
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