Offshore Wind Power for New York has advanced with the issuance of the Blueprint for the NYS Offshore Wind Master Plan (Blueprint) by the New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA). This eagerly anticipated plan outlines the key studies and policies that will be developed to drive the growth of this clean, reliable, and cost-effective power for New York.

Offshore wind power is deemed a crucial part of New York’s 50% renewables by 2030 goal, and the newly released Blueprint’s Master Plan will play an important role in achieving that objective.
The Blueprint is an acknowledgment of the enormous potential that offshore wind power presents and the significant commitment that New York is making to effectively launch this new industry that will provide not only abundant, zero-emission power, but also create jobs and spur new investment in the Empire State.
“The new Offshore Wind Blueprint lays out a policy framework that will support the successful deployment of offshore wind power for New York,” said Liz Gordon, Director of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance. “Offshore wind power is crucial to achieving the State’s 50% renewables by 2030 requirement, and the Offshore Wind Master Plan studies outlined by this Blueprint will be an important component of achieving this objective, which will require a large-scale, long-term commitment by New York.”
New York’s recently adopted Clean Energy Standard (CES) Order tasked NYSERDA with developing an Offshore Wind Master Plan that recommends appropriate mechanisms and best solutions for maximizing the potential for offshore wind in New York. Ensuring large-scale market demand and a mechanism to realize it are the New York Offshore Wind Alliance’s (NYOWA) top priorities, and we are pleased to see that the Blueprint specifically commits to the identification of offtake options that will maximize the benefit to ratepayers and the quantification of offshore wind power solicited through the CES.
“It is exciting that the Blueprint expects the first steps toward an offshore wind powered future for New York to include Long Island projects that can move forward this year in tandem with NYSERDA’s preparation of the Offshore Wind Master Plan,” said Liz Gordon. “This anticipated commitment by the Long Island Power Authority is tangible progress that everyone can applaud on this big day for offshore wind in New York.”
Filed Under: News, Offshore wind, Policy