In the U.S., Capital Dynamics recently launched the first phase of commercial operations of its Green Pastures Wind Project, in cooperation with Pioneer Green Energy, located in North Texas generating 150 MW with 50 turbines in use.
Capital Dynamics is pleased to announce that it has launched commercial operations of six onshore wind farm projects since the beginning of 2015. The projects, with total power generation capacity of 179.1 megawatts, include five locations across the United Kingdom and one wind power generating facility in the United States.
Capital Dynamics, through its Clean Energy & Infrastructure (CEI) team, invests in, finances, owns and operates proven power generation technologies around the world. In its Global Clean Energy & Infrastructure Fund (the “Fund”), the team has acquired rights or invested in 1,464 MW of clean energy capacity in North America and the UK.
“Capital Dynamics is proud to have brought six onshore wind farm projects to commercial operation during the first half of 2015. Our partners in these projects, Pioneer Green Energy in Green Pastures and both Airvolution Energy and Futurespectrum across the UK projects, were critical to their success,” said John Breckenridge, Managing Director at Capital Dynamics and global leader of its CEI team, “These projects are all examples of our focus on mid-market, contracted power assets and bringing those from late stage development to commercial operation, in order to generate enhanced returns versus core infrastructure assets.”
Capital Dynamics has launched commercial operations at its Garlenick, Daintree, East Youlstone and Tod Hill Wind Farms in the UK. Additionally, the Torrance Wind Farm project launched commercial operations at the end of May. Together, these five UK projects have clean power generation capacity of 29.1 MW, enough to power 16,296 homes according to Renewable UK.
Richard Mardon, CEO of Airvolution, commented, “We are pleased that Capital Dynamics has filled the financing gap left by the project finance banks at the small to medium end of the scale, they have been vital in enabling us to maximize the valuable wind power resource in the UK.”
Steve Ruggi, Director of FutureSpectrum, said, “As renewable energy becomes increasingly part of the mainstream investment market, Capital Dynamics is out there in front, not only creating investment opportunities but actually helping make projects like ours happen, and that’s good for everyone.”
In the U.S., Capital Dynamics recently launched the first phase of commercial operations of its Green Pastures Wind Project (Green Pastures), in cooperation with Pioneer Green Energy, located in North Texas generating 150 MW with 50 turbines in use. The second phase of Green Pastures is expected to launch later in 2015 and in total generate enough electricity to power 110,000 homes, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency methodology.
Greg Buis, President of Pioneer Green Energy, said, “We are excited about kicking off commercial operations of this large scale wind project in a growing wind energy market and pleased to have worked with Capital Dynamics to bring this project to fruition.”
Filed Under: Construction, News, Projects