DISC-LOCK International, a California based company specializing in the manufacture and distribution of safe and secure fastening systems, recently announced the addition of several new larger sizes of stainless steel locking washers.
“Expanded customer applications are driving our decision to add larger sizes to the stainless steel locking washer product line,” said Alistair McKinlay, Chairman of DISC-LOCK International. “Previously the largest stainless steel washer size we manufactured was 5/8″, 16mm,” added McKinlay.
“The DISC-LOCK locking washer is a self-locking fastener which prevents loosening caused by shock or vibration in high stress applications,” said Greg White, Vice President of DISC-LOCK International. “By adding the corrosion resistance of 316 stainless steel, our locking washers can be utilized in even more aggressive and demanding conditions,” added White.
The new stainless steel washer sizes are: (7/16″, 11mm); (9/16″, 14mm); (3/4″, 20mm); (7/8″, 22mm) and (1″, 24mm). The DISC-LOCK washer is not only a vibration-proof locking device, but also a heavy duty structural locking device recommended for the most stressful applications. Once applied and installed correctly the DISC-LOCK washer will ensure that the fastener remains secure and that nuts and bolts do not require retightening.
DISC-LOCK International
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