UK-based Natural Power has combined its product innovation business (ZephIR) with remote power specialists Ampair to offer a managed wind data and power service. Despite the low power requirements of a modern lidar system such as ZephIR, a reliable and easily transported power supply is still important for the remote and harsh locations in which the system is often deployed. The agreement provides an integrated and robust power product that takes likely ZephIR deployment scenarios into consideration.
Ampair brings a network of international representatives who provide local support in selecting and maintaining either off-the-shelf or bespoke renewable power pods. A trailer version, the TrailerPod (which allows for deployment at sites with 4×4 access) and a helicopter version, HeliPods (which can be air-lifted, or moved by truck or boat to very remote sites) are now available. They have been designed specifically for the ZephIR 300 system following many months of design, preparation, and testing between the two companies.
“Our customers are primarily interested in getting highly accurate data with high availability, rather than providing power and support to equipment in remote locations,” Ian Locker, managing director of ZephIR, says. ” The option to work with Ampair means our customers don’t have to consider the remote powering requirements, ongoing refuelling logistics, and costs. Put simply, this means that when the ZephIR is deployed with an Ampair power solution the customer has no requirement to visit that site again until the unit is relocated.”
Jeremy Davies, Marketing Director at Ampair agrees the companies have made a good move. “The applications for Ampair power pod solutions are really limitless,” he says. “These pods are self-charging and fully automated; you can effectively leave them for years without the need for any fuel or maintenance.”
The companies say ZephIR is a validated, affordable, continuous-wave lidar system. The core technology measures wind speed, direction, and turbulence across the full turbine rotor diameter from 10 m above ground level up to 200 m. It also eliminates the need for a tall met mast.
Natural Power
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